Wednesday 28 August 2024

PC-017 AUTOMATIC INCREASE / DECREASE CLAUSE In the event of 25% of the Gross Profit earned during the accounting period of 12 months most nearly concurrent with any period of Insurance as certified by the Insured’s Auditors, being more or less than the Sum Insured thereon, the Sum Insured thereby may be increased / decreased by 25% as the case may be and pro-rate extra premium or pro-rate return premium shall be charged or allowed to the Insured as the case may be, not exceeding 25% upward / downward of the premium paid of such Sum Insured for such period of insurance in respect of the difference. KLAUSULA PENAMBAHAN/PENURUNAN OTOMATIS Dalam hal terjadi 25% dari Gross Profit diterima selama periode Accounting (12 bulan), hamper dekat sejalan dengan tiap periode asuransi sebagaimanan dijamin oleh Auditor dari Tertanggung, lebih atau kurang dari Sum insured yang ada, Sum insured itu dapat dinaikkan/diturunkan sebesar 25% dan extra premi yang dihitung scr prorate/atau pengembalian premi akan diperhitungkan , tidak melebihi 25% lebih/kurang dari premi yang telah dibayar pada periode berjalan (selisihnya)

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