Sunday, 19 November 2017

Port Dry Bulk Terminals hazardous

Access and Egress

Risk of:
·         Drowning.
·         Physical injury.
·         Asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen or being drowned in dry materials such as grain or other free flowing materials in which a person can sink.
Possible causes:
·         Gangways not properly rigged.
·         Gangway moves due to tidal movement.
·         Hold ladders in poor condition.
·         Access to ladders restricted or blocked during handling operations.
·         Unsafe means of access and egress to and from tops of cargo stows during trimming operations.
·         Failure to control entry to confined spaces.

Berthing and Moving Ships

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death due for example to being hit by a line or falling.
·         Property damage.
Possible causes:
·         Collision between berthing ship and loader and/or unloader on terminal.
·         Breaking mooring lines risk to personnel on ship and terminal from snap back effect.
·         Passing ships causing ship to move.

Biological Agents

Risk of:
·         Infection.
·         Adverse health effects.
·         Asphyxiation.
Possible causes:
·         Presence of insects, rodents, pigeons and other vermin.
·         Exposure to dust containing bacteria or fungi.
·         Bacteriological action on certain cargoes.

Chemical Agents

Risk of:
·         Health hazards e.g. by ingestion or inhalation.
·         Asphyxiation / death.
Possible causes:
Exposure to toxic, fumigated or corrosive cargoes:
·         Failure to notify that cargo has been fumigated due to lack of communication and consultation.
·         Inherent property of the cargo e.g. corrosive cargoes.
·         Cargoes liable to cause oxygen depletion e.g. forest products, metals, vegetable or fruit products.
·         Decomposition or bacteriological action on cargo giving rise to toxic products e.g. coal, bark, fishmeal and other types of wet fish.
·         Ammonium nitrate fertilizers can explode or decompose to release toxic gases.
·         Some coal products produce carbon monoxide or methane.
·         Cleaning holds for grain after discharging a dirty cargo e.g. use of degreasing chemicals.
·         Fumes from mechanized  plants and vehicles.

Confined Spaces

Risk of:
·         Asphyxiation due to lack of oxygen or being drowned in dry materials such as grain or other free flowing materials in which a person could sink.
·         Fire.
Possible causes:
·         Entry into an oxygen deficient hold, hold access way or trunkway.
·         Atmosphere in hold may be toxic, asphyxiating or flammable as a result of the cargo or may be formed during the process of cleaning, welding or painting.
·         Excess oxygen caused by leaking oxy/fuel gas cutting and welding equipment.
·         Oxidation of the cargo in the hold using up the oxygen from the atmosphere e.g. pig iron, wood chips and bark.
·         Failure to observe confined space entry and atmospheric testing procedures.
·         Failure to have a rescue plan.


Risk of:
·         Respiratory problems.
·         Sensitization causing effects such as asthma e.g. grain.
·         Explosion.
Possible causes:
·         Dusty cargoes with dirt, insect parts, pesticide residues, fungi and bacteria.
·         Spillage from (un)loading equipment.
·         Lack of dust control equipment i.e. engineered equipment.
·         Incorrectly operated and/or maintained (un)loading equipment causing excessive dust.
·         Unsafe system of work e.g. cargo being dropped from a height such as into the hold from the grab, from the back of truck when cargo tipped or stored on the terminal, from one conveyor to another or when a wall of residual material builds up and collapses from a bulkhead or between the frames in the hold of the ship or from the side of a hopper.
·         Sweeping cargo with a brush or air.
·         Inadequate communication between the truck driver and hopper operator resulting in truck driver driving away prematurely from the hopper.
·         Build up of dust due to poor housekeeping.

Environmental Conditions

This includes tidal movements, wind conditions, heat, cold, ice, wind etc.
Risk of:
·         Increased risk of accident or incidents occurring.
·         Serious injury.
·         Property damage.
Possible causes:
·         Gangway becoming unsafe.
·         Collision between (un)loader and ship's structure or gear.
·         Failure of (un)loader braking system in high winds, leading to collision with the ship.
·         Runaway of (un)loader and/or cranes in high winds.
·         Vessels roll affecting cargo stability.
·         Passing ships affecting stability.

Falling / Unsecured Objects

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death.
Possible causes:
·         Unsafe system of work when swinging loads.
·         Shifted cargo during sea passage.
·         Falls of unstable cargo.
·         Failure of lifting equipment or accessories e.g. during lifting and suspension of grabs.
·         Material / lumps of cargo falling from the conveyor belt of the ship loader or from the discharging grab onto the deck of the ship or the quay. A number of bulk cargoes such as quartz, iron ore, pig iron and steel scrap contain sizeable lumps which could cause death or injury if they fall from a height and hit someone.
·         Personnel on deck walking under the grab.
·         Unsafe system and/or unsafe lifting accessories for lifting equipment from the terminal to the ship e.g. whilst lifting mobile plant from hold to hold, lifting loading chutes, spouts and arms or lifting welding and other equipment into the hold to carry out damage repairs.
·         Cargoes falling from ship's structures, frames, beams, ledges and ladders.
·         Personnel lowering or raising equipment in and out of holds with personnel still at work underneath.
·         Personnel monitoring cargo operations standing too close to where the grab is working and at risk of being struck by grab or by a breaking grab rope.
·         Unsuitable lifting accessories selected for cargo with sharp edges.
·         Cargo movements as loads lifted into or out of adjacent hatches or as other vessels pass.
·         Improperly secured hatch covers.


Risk of:
·         Increased risk of accident or incident.
Possible causes:
·         Working excessively long shifts or work periods.
·         Lack of job rotation.
·         Working between 12 and 6 am.

Fire or Explosion

Risk of:
·         Burns.
·         Smoke inhalation.
·         Death.
Possible causes:
·         Dust created by certain cargoes may constitute an explosion hazard.
·         Dust build up on heated surfaces such as plant engines and electrical light fittings.
·         Flammable cargo or flammable gases emitted by certain bulk cargoes.
·         Incompatible materials which may react dangerously.
·         Materials liable to spontaneously combust.
·         Used of enclosed handling systems without explosion protection.
·         Movement of some dry solid bulk cargoes can generate static electricity.
·         The use and refueling of mobile plant in ship's holds.
·         Smoking and the use of naked flames.
·         Flammable cargo being ignited during cargo handling operations e.g. sparks produced by steel blade or bucket striking the frame's hold.
·         Cargoes decomposing, heating up and self igniting or spontaneous combustion e.g. coal, charcoal. Risk is increased by cargo being wet or by bacteriological action.
·         Combination carriers including holds, pumps and pipelines not gas free when unloading dry bulk or with slop tanks or wing tanks not inserted.
·         Hot work e.g. in connection with maintenance, voyage repair operations or cargo handling (fitting or removal of temporary guide bars to edges of hatch covers) without adequate precautions such as a hot work permit.

Handling Equipment

Includes equipment such as grabs, chutes, conveyors, throwers, suction devices, augers etc.
Risk of:
·         Impact, entrapment or entanglement resulting in serious injury or death.
Possible causes:
·         Where mobile machinery is operated on top of cargo there is a risk of the machine overturning, sliding, falling or becoming damaged.
·         Dangerous parts of conveyor systems not securely guarded.

Lifting Equipment

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death e.g. due to impact with plant or equipment or collapse of crane.
Possible causes:
·         Collision between loader and ship's structure or gear.
·         Unmaintained or defective equipment.
·         Exceeding Safe Working Load of equipment.
·         Damage to equipment e.g. leaving chains or hooks on roadways where machinery can drive over them.


Examples of machinery include grabs, chutes, conveyors, throwers, suction devices and augers.
Risk of:
·         Impact, entrapment or entanglement resulting in serious injury or death.
·         Cuts.
Possible causes:
·         Operating bagging plants, screening equipment, grading or processing equipment without adequate safe guards.
·         Use of high pressure hoses during cleaning.

Manual Handling / Ergonomics

Risk of:
·         Musculoskeletal disorders, back injuries, sprains and strains.
Possible causes:
·         Manual handling such as shoveling, scraping of cargo in ship's holds during clean out operations.
·         Operating mobile plant in ship's hold.
·         Operating grab unloaders and similar equipment.
·         Handling mooring lines.
·         Lifting, handling, pushing and pulling.


Risk of:
·         Noise induced hearing loss.
·         Stress.
·         Failure to hear communications resulting in increased risk of accident or incident.
Possible causes:
·         Working in vicinity of engines and transmission equipment on lifting equipment and vehicles especially when equipment used in an enclosed space such as a ship's hold or warehouse.

Skid Steer Loaders

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death e.g. being run over, struck or crushed by the bucket, bucket arms or material falling from the bucket, being pinned between the bucket and the frame of the machine or between the lift arms and the frame, arm of loader drops on person, fall of person whilst standing on the bucket, overturn of the machine.
·         Crush injury from attachments
·         Fire e.g. spills when refueling.
·         Back pain.
·         Property damage e.g. damage or distortion of ship's steelwork.
Possible causes:
·         Operating the controls from outside the cab.
·         Exiting the skid steer loader when the lift arms are raised.
·         Leaving the controls with the engine still running.
·         Catching fingers, clothing or jewelers in pinch points.
·         Failure to ensure that interlocks are tested, inspected and maintained.
·         Modification of equipment without consulting the manufacturer.
·         Failure to adjust the seat correctly.
·         Failing to turn off the engine and allowing it to cool before refueling.
·         Walking under an elevated load.
·         Not ensuring that rollover protective structure (ROPs) is in place.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Risk of:
·         Minor injury to serious injury, concussion or death.
Possible causes:
·         Wet or slippery surfaces from ice, snow, rain, cargo or oil spillage or leaks on ship or terminal.
·         Badly stowed ropes, hoses and equipment on ship or terminal.
·         Unmarked obstacles on ship's decks such as manhole covers, securing eyes, safety stanchion sockets.
·         Personnel handling ship's stores on the terminal edge.
·         Poor or inadequate lighting in work areas especially the hold.
·         Walking across cargo stows.
·         Using damaged or unsecured ladders.
·         Holding tools or equipment whilst descending or ascending ladders.
·         Uneven or poorly maintained ground surfaces.
·         Poor housekeeping - waste packing materials, other cargo, debris etc. in the working area.
·         Inappropriate footwear.
·         Vessel roll.


Risk of:
·         Hand/arm or whole body vibration.
·         Stress.
Possible causes:
·         Use of pneumatic/hydraulic hammers to shake material loose between frames and from bulkheads.
·         Use of powered tools.
·         Operation of terminal plant.

Working at Height

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death due to drowning in cargo or falling from height.
Possible causes:
·         Working on top of bulk cargo without a safe system of work.
·         Lack of edge protection - unprotected openings.

Working in the Hold

Risk of:
·         Adverse health effects due to dust inhalation.
·         Serious injury or death e.g. being hit by mobile plant in the hold, asphyxiation or drowning in fluidized cargo such as grain, being hit by a grab or being buried by a load from a grab or engulfed in bulk cargo due to cargo shift or collapse of cargo on worker.
Possible causes:
·         Carrying out trimming without safe system of work in place e.g. communication system, whistle stop system, signaler etc.
·         Inadequate lighting.

port Roll On Roll Off Terminals hazardous

Access and Egress

Risk of:
·         Serious injury.
·         Drowning.
·         Death.
Possible causes:
·         Collapse of walkway e.g. due to lack of maintenance and inspection.
·         Collapse of linkspan e.g. not using linkspan as designed, overloading, damage to linkspan or ship moves whilst still connected.
·         Lack of proper access.
·         No proper segregation of pedestrians and vehicles.

Chemical Agents

Risk of:
·         Explosion.
·         Fire.
·         Adverse health effects.
Possible causes:
·         Undeclared dangerous goods.
·         Exposure to vehicles exhaust fumes in ship's hold or fumes from terminal machinery.
·         Inadequate ventilation in ship's hold.
·         Leakage of dangerous substances.
·         Nuisance dust from neighboring bulk cargo operations.


Risk of:
·         Burns.
·         Fire.
·         Electrocution.
·         Death.
Possible causes:
·         Faulty refrigerated containers and connections.


Risk of:
·         Increased risk of accident or incident due to reduced concentration and response times.
Possible causes:
·         Working long hours.
·         Working night shifts.
·         Shift patterns.


Risk of:
·         Burns.
·         Smoke inhalation.
·         Death.
·         Property damage.
Possible causes:
·         Welding, burning or open flame work.
·         Petrol spillage from vehicle.
·         Flammable fuel in tanks or dangerous goods.

Human Factors

Risk of:
·         Increased risk of accident or incident.
Possible causes:
·         Lack of training.
·         Lack of awareness.
·         Inattention.
·         Substance abuse.


Risk of:
·         Increased risk of accident or incident.
Possible causes:.
·         Low lighting levels on board ship.
·         Contrast between indoor and outdoor lighting.

Low Overhead Areas

Risk of:
·         Hitting the head.
·         Back pain.
Possible causes:
·         Working under trailers and other low overhead areas.

Manual Handling and Ergonomics.

Risk of:
·         Musculoskeletal disorders.
·         Sprains and strains.
·         Bruises.
Possible causes:
·         Handling heavy lashing systems, chains and prop stands/trestles.
·         Pulling lashings.
·         Kneeling, crawling and adopting awkward positions during lashing.
·         Very little space between trailers.
·         Pushing cars that don't start.


Risk of:
·         Noise induced hearing loss.
·         Stress.
·         Failure to hear communications resulting in increased risk of accident.
Possible causes:
·         Communication hindered due to noise levels.
·         Vehicle operations and ship's fans creating noise.
  • Noise from chains used during lashing.
  • Unable to hear vehicles approaching or warning shouts.


Risk of:
·         Serious injury, drowning or death.
Possible causes:
·         Being hit by a vehicle whilst loading and unloading vehicles onto the ship.
·         Lack of physical separation between vehicles and pedestrians or lack of safe system of work to prevent simultaneous usage of the ramp.
·         Collapse of ramp due to lack of maintenance, improper use etc.
·         Overloading of ramp.
·         Unsafe system of work for loading.

Sharp Edges

Risk of:
·         Cuts.
Possible causes:
·         Handling heavy cargo, lashings, cars etc.
·         Failure to wear protective gloves.

Ship's Cargo Lift

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death due to fall from height or being crushed by the lift.
Possible causes:
·         Using the cargo lift as a personal lift rather than a cargo lift.
·         Working with or close to the cargo lift.
·         Collapse of the lift.
·         Falling through the open deck during lift operation.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Risk of:
·         Minor injury to broken limb, concussion to serious injury even death.
Possible causes:
·         Installed fittings, rings, lashing points, deck gratings and fittings in the cargo hold acting as trip hazards.
·         Trailing cables from refrigerated containers.
·         Spillages, oil and grease.
·         Weather e.g. wet, slippery decks.
·         Unsafe walking surfaces.
·         Inappropriate footwear.
·         Inadequate lighting.

Vehicle Stowage, Lashing and Unlashing

Risk of:
·         Hitting head.
·         Serious injury or death due to being hit by a vehicle (especially reversing vehicles) or being hit by a lashing.
Possible causes:
·         Lashing and removing lashings from vehicles.
·         Vessel and vehicle movement during voyage making lashings excessively taut.
·         Poor lighting, working in shadow areas or under vehicles.
·         Placing trestles / prop stands under trailers.
·         Poorly designed vessel stowage plan.
·         Several vehicles reversing at same time.
·         Large vehicles being manouevred on vessels not originally designed for such vehicles.
·         Restricted view from driving positions especially when reversing.
·         Runaway vehicle.


Risk of:
·         Whole body vibration.
Possible causes:
·         Operation of terminal plant.
·         Inadequate or lack of maintenance of plant.

Workplace Transport

Risk of:
·         Serious injury or death - being hit, runover or crushed by a vehicle or running over the edge of the quay and drowning.
·         Property damage - impact with ship or property.
Possible causes:
·         Lack of, inadequate or poorly designed traffic management system.
·         Inadequate traffic controls.
·         Uncontrolled pedestrian traffic.
·         Simultaneous use of ramp by vehicles and pedestrians.
·         Inadequate segregation of pedestrians and vehicles.
·         Hazardous routes or areas not clearly marked or barricaded.
·         Vehicles or caravan becoming uncoupled on the ship's ramp.
·         Inadequate control of Ro-Ro traffic.
·         Failure to properly apply vehicle and trailer parking brakes.
·         Pedestrian access via the main loading ramp presenting hazards from moving vehicles.
·         Vehicles operating in a confined area.
·         Material failures in cargo transport vehicles.
·         Reversing or maneuvering of vehicles and trailers into stowage positions on deck.
·         Lashing of vehicles - lasher not visible.
·         Inadequate lighting on board ship.
·         Transition from outside to inside affecting vision.
·         Impaired visibility or blind spots especially when reversing.
·         Trailer coupling and uncoupling on the dockside and on the ship.
·         Improper use or failure to use seatbelts where provided.
·         Unsafe speeds.
·         Low clearance.
·         Weather.